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Pre-Race Briefing

All teams are required to attend a pre-race briefing before the actual race day. There will be 2 sessions conducted at SMU. At least one member of each team is required to attend the pre-race briefing.

Date: 27 & 28 April 2013
Time: 8.30pm
Venue: Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium


Water Proficiency Test (WPT)

Participants who are unable to produce documentation of their swimming certificates are required to pass the Water Proficiency Test ​(WPT) before they are eligible to participate in any water activities during the race. SMU students who have taken the WPT before would not need to take the test again upon submission of their WPT certificate.

Dates: 3 & 4 April 2013
Time: 4 - 5.30 pm
Venue: SMU Administrative building L6, SMU swimming pool
Introductory Skate Clinic

Participants who are not proficient in skating are highly encouraged to come for the Introductory Skate Clinic. This session conducted by the SMU Xtremists Skating Team will teach beginners basic skating skills for the skating segment of the race. A nominal fee will be required for the rental of skating equipment such as skates (according to the skate size you had indicated in your registration form), safety helmets, and a full set of hand, elbow and knee guards. The actual cost will be dependent on the number of participants who will be joining the skate clinic. Hence, it will only be confirmed a week before the clinic which will be conducted in SMU. Alternatively, you can come down to our weekly skate session on Friday, 4pm – 7pm at SMU T-junction.

Dates: 27 April 2013
Time: 4.30 pm
Venue: SMU T-junction (Outside OCBC Frank)

Rules and Regulations

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